Click and rotate the tile in attempt to re-arrange the number 1 to 16
Played: 98352 times (7 today),
Favorited FlashGame: 0
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Tags: numbers, grid, strategy,
Arrange the 9 tiles into the 3x3 grid
Played: 127858 times (3 today),
Favorited FlashGame: 0
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Tags: numbers, grid, strategy,
re-arrange the 4x4 grid into its original position
Played: 105522 times (0 today),
Favorited Online Game: 0
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Tags: numbers, grid, strategy,
Mix ingredients to create a perfect sauce and pour it on the blue people to feed to the coccoona.
Played: 89835 times (0 today),
Favorited Free Game: 0
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Tags: receipt, cook, sauce, ingridients,