Smack up Saddam Hussein any way you like. Punch him, kick him, and finish him off when he's down.
Played: 186405 times (5 today),
Favorited Online Game: 1
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Tags: saddam, punch, kick, shoot,
Trick Saddam into thinking you are Osama and get him to collect nuclear weapons of mass destructions.
Played: 114411 times (3 today),
Favorited Online Game: 0
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Tags: saddam, osama, world, destruction,
Cruise around as Eddie Murphy on your skate board, jump up, ollie, do tricks, grind off rails.
Played: 169874 times (2 today),
Favorited Free Game: 0
Flash Games -
Tags: skate, skater, sport, obstacles, eddie, saddam,
Where's Waldo type game search for Saddam Hussein's face within a group of people.
Played: 116245 times (2 today),
Favorited Online Game: 0
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Tags: saddam, face, puzzle,