Harpoon the fish, different fish are worth different points.
Played: 193404 times (8 today),
Favorited FlashGame: 0
Play Games -
Tags: fish, fisherman, sea, ocean, water,
Test your fishing skill with this Flash game
Played: 87626 times (1 today),
Favorited Free Game: 0
Flash Games -
Tags: fish, fisherman, sea, ocean, water,
Move your boat around and pick the fish in the lake.
Played: 59989 times (1 today),
Favorited Free Game: 0
Free Games -
Tags: fish, fisherman, sea, ocean, water,
Move the boat back and forth and catch the fish
Played: 192093 times (0 today),
Favorited Free Game: 0
Play a Game -
Tags: fish, fisherman, sea, ocean, water,
Collect as many fish as you can in 30 seconds. Be careful of those logs, mind, and keep your eyes open for the rocks.
Played: 75362 times (0 today),
Favorited FlashGame: 0
Online Games -
Tags: fish, fisherman, sea, ocean, water,